1.1 Rationale
This Policy reflects the commitments Magentus makes in respect of its sourcing and supply chain. It was developed with reference to Magentus’ Vision and Values, and draws upon international standards on labour activities.
This Policy is a part of Magentus’ overall environmental, social and governance framework that includes its Corporate Code of Conduct, Bribery, Corruption, Gifts and Hospitality Policy, and its Procurement Policy. It is implemented in conjunction with its Supplier Code of Conduct and Modern Slavery Act activities. If suppliers are unable to comply with this policy or the Supplier Code of Conduct, then Magentus may choose not to deal with them, or to terminate existing arrangements.
2 Policy statements
2.1 Bribery & Corruption
Bribery and corruption is not tolerated at Magentus. Magentus personnel and those of its Suppliers are expected to comply with all anti-bribery, anti-corruption, anti-money laundering, and modern slavery laws.
Suppliers must not engage in, either directly or indirectly, fraudulent, corrupt, exploitative or collusive activities. Magentus has clear expectations from its suppliers on the management of conflicts of interest.
2.2 Labour and human rights
Magentus believes that all workers in its supply chain deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. Suppliers are expected to provide a fair and ethical workplace, which upholds high standards of human rights and integrates appropriate labour and human rights policies and practices into its business.
Involuntary and Underage Labour
Employment is a choice that should be made freely, and not from fear of any penalty.
There is no place in Magentus’ supply chain for prison or forced labour, bonded labour, indentured labour or debt bondage, or other forms of compulsory labour. Workers in Magentus’ supply chain should not be required to hand over identity documents, or to pay for recruitment or other services to their employers or intermediaries, and must be entitled to leave their positions without penalty after reasonable notice.
Workers in Magentus’ supply chain must be of the minimum legal age in their country of employment, and irrespective of that age threshold, Suppliers must not use employees under the age of 18 in night work, or work that is of its nature, or its conduct, likely to harm the health and safety of that person.
The use of child labour in Magentus’ supply chain is prohibited and if children are found to be working directly or indirectly for a Supplier, Magentus may require the Supplier to implement a solution that works in the best interests of the child. Magentus is aware that not all work done by children is child labour, and will have regard to the nature of the work, its effect on the child, their health and wellbeing, and their education.
Suppliers are expected not to discriminate against any worker based on age, disability, ethnicity, gender, marital status, political affiliation, race, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, union membership, or any other status protected by law, in hiring, remuneration, and other employment practices.
Working Conditions
Magentus expects all Suppliers to comply with all applicable laws and regulations with respect to wages, working hours (including breaks), and workers compensation insurance, and ensure that all their workers receive their legally mandated minimum wages, benefits, superannuation, leave entitlements and time off for legally recognised holidays. Workers are entitled to written information about the conditions of their employment and the calculation of their pay.
Payment of wages and other remuneration must be made in a timely fashion, and always in compliance with local laws. Wage deductions should not be made if their effect is to penalise or discipline a worker.
All overtime is expected to be reasonable and paid at the rate and in accordance with applicable local laws.
Freedom of Association
All workers have the right to join or form trade unions and Magentus’ Suppliers are expected to freely allow workers to associate with others, form and join (or refrain from joining) industrial organisations or associations of their choice and bargain collectively, or engage in any lawful industrial activity without interference, discrimination, retaliation or harassment.
2.3 Work Health and Safety
Suppliers must provide their workers with a safe and hygienic working environment that is appropriate for the industry and hazards of the work being done.
All buildings under the control of a Supplier that house workers (while working or otherwise) must comply with local building and fire safety standards (and as a minimum should have access to potable water and sanitary facilities).
All equipment used in the workplace must meet or exceed local legal safety requirements. Suppliers must take adequate steps to prevent workplace accidents and injuries and appoint a suitably senior person in their organisation to take responsibility for worker health and safety.
2.4 Environmental management
Magentus is committed to promoting environmental responsibility and seeks to understand its overall environmental footprint.
Suppliers are expected to minimise the environmental impact of their operations and maintain environmentally responsible policies and practices.
Environmental Impacts
Key divisions within Magentus already operate a closed loop for customers, whereby all packaging of goods sold and delivered is recycled, and where Magentus provides managed services, equipment that is end-of life is disposed of through appropriate mineral recycling programs. Magentus’ corporate operations all involve recycling programs for office waste.
Suppliers must comply with all applicable laws and regulations relating to the environment, including any management and reporting obligations.
Suppliers are expected to manage the environmental impact of their operations by:
• ensuring the safe storage, transportation and disposal of hazardous substances including hazardous waste;
• maintaining policies and practices for the efficient use of energy, water and natural resource consumption; and
• maintaining policies and practices that reduce the risk of pollution, loss of biodiversity, deforestation, damage to ecosystems and greenhouse gas emissions.
This policy was adopted by the Board on 23 July 2021